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I am honoured to welcome you at RAHBAR MEDICAL AND DENTAL COLLEGE. Our institution has a rich history of producing outstanding medical professionals. We believe that medical education is more than just learning; it is a nurturing ground for future doctors, researchers, and healthcare leaders. Our dedicated faculty members, state-of-the-art learning environment, and commitment to excellence ensure that you receive the best set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes to embark on a fulfilling career.

We also emphasize values of compassion, empathy, and ethical practice, which are at the core of the medical profession.

As you embark on this journey, join a community of like-minded  individuals who share your passion for healing and a commitment to improving the well-being of society. We believe in fostering an environment of collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning. I believe that RMDC has the resources, values, and vision to help you realize your aspirations in the field of medicine. We strongly believe that “Medicine” is not a profession. it’s rather a passion.


Rahbar Medical & Dental College Lahore

Rahbar Medical & Dental College was established in the year 2012. It is affiliated with the University Of Health Sciences since April, 2013. RMDC was recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council on 17th February 2014 and by the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation & Coordination, and Government of Pakistan on 12th February, 2015. Punjab Rangers took over the ownership of the college in February, 2017. RMDC is ISO 9001:2015 certified since July 2019.

RMDC campus is located within the premises of Punjab Rangers Garrison, in a clean and serene environment, on dual carriage Harbanspura road, just 5 minutes’ drive from Allama Iqbal International Airport, Lahore. It is a purpose-built structure, a fine blend of architecture coupled with easy accessibility. The building is designed and built in accordance with the specifications of PMDC. RMDC has state of the art lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, laboratories, museums, skills lab, and library. Auditorium and staff offices are as per the PMC requirements. All these structures are equipped with latest teaching facilities in order to impart quality education and necessary skills development. So far four batches of RMDC graduates have passed out with a numbers of university level distinctions and couple of positions in Professional examinations. The name of institution has been included in the world directory of medical schools. More and more students of RMDC are appearing for and qualifying the global level post graduate certifications.

Punjab Ranger’s Teaching Hospital (PRTH) is an ISO 9001:2015 certified, 650 bedded tertiary care hospital affiliated with RMDC. It is located in the serene mileu of Headquarters Pakistan Rangers (Punjab), hardly five minutes’ walk from RMDC. It is also easily accessible from Zarrar Shaheed road, Airport road and Alamdar road. The hospital provides medical treatment facilities to the Punjab Rangers personnel, their families and to the civilian population. It is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art equipment and a team of highly qualified and dedicated healthcare professionals, from civil and military background, leave no stone unturned for the welfare of their patients.

Regular clinical training of the students is conducted within the hospital in a systematic manner according to the training program issued by RMDC. The clinical acumen of the students and post-graduate trainees is regularly assessed by the heads of the departments and senior faculty members. Additional academic sessions are also arranged if required. In order to facilitate the students in their academic pursuit, a library with latest medical books/journals and six tutorial rooms are also available on the hospital premises.

RMDC will follow the admission policy of PMDC & UHS. Any change if made in admission policy by the medical regulatory authorities shall be implemented as such even after the admission forms have been submitted.


List of Required Documents

Medical Certificate 

Student Undertaking

Fee Structure

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Grand Total
Admission Fee 39,827 39,827
Annual Dues 2,003,334 2,202,467 2,421,514 2,662,465 2,927,512 12,217,292
Total 2,043,161 2,202,467 2,421,514 2,662,465 2,927,512 12,257,119

For Queries: 0301-8410007 0423-6636683


Fee Structure for Session 2024-29

Acct Title:- Rahbar Medical And Dental College Private Limited

Acct No:-     0001521650505932

IBAN No:-    PK47 ASCM 0001521650505932



NTN No:-4161924-2


Bank Details For Deposting / Transfer Fee


1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Grand Total
Admission Fee 39,827 39,827
Annual Dues 2,003,334 2,202,467 2,421,514 2,662,465 2,927,512 12,217,292
Total 2,043,161 2,202,467 2,421,514 2,662,465 2,927,512 12,257,119



RMDC Learning Resource Center

A shift from traditional teaching to integrated modular curriculum which is  recently implemented by UHS is being followed in current first year MBBS in true letter and spirit.

Current second, third, fourth and final year are being taught  using the traditional methodology both traditional and integrated modular curriculum are taught using versatile and diverse and time-tested teaching and learning methodologies, including large group interactive sessions(LGIS), Small group discussions (SGDs), integrated PBLs ( Problem based learning), Case based learning (CBL),  flipped classrooms, Practical, Directed self-learning(DSL) and self-directed learning (SDL).

RMDC Will Follow Attendance Policy Issued by UHS by Which Students are Bound to Maintain at least 85% Attendance in Each Subject.

Study Guides


Vision Of Quality Enhancement Cell RMDC

To Ensure Excellence in Medical Education Through Continuous Quality Improvement, Fostering the Development of Skilled Healthcare Leaders.

Mission Of Quality Enhancement Cell RMDC

To Promote and Sustain the Quality of RMDC Educational MBBS Program to the Highest Standard as Per UHS/PMDC Defined Criteria.


Workshop on Stress Management at Work Place

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences RMDC Conducted a Full day workshop on 15th Oct 2024 under of Supervision of HOD Brig (R) Shaid Rashid.

Tendon Repair Workshop Ortho Dept PRTH/RMDC, Lahore

Tendon Repair workshop Ortho Dept PRTH/RMDC, Lahore was held on 24 Jan 2024.

Convocation 2023

1st Convocation of Rahbar Medical & Dental College was held on 02 Dec 2023 for the academic session 2017-22 at RMDC Auditorium. 

DG Pakistan Rangers Punjab Maj Gen Atif Bin Akram Chairman RMDC was the Chief Guest for this program whereas President CPSP VC FJMU Prof. Khalid Masood Gondal along with Pro VC UHS Prof Nadia Naseem where the Guests of Honor.

90 Students were awarded with MBBS degrees & Distinction Certificates where awarded to 23 Students. Dr. Suliman Tahir was declared as Best Graduate for the Session 2017-2022.


Iqbal Day 2023

گر تو می خواہی مسلماں زیستن
نیست ممکن جز بہ قرآں زیستن
اگر تم مسلمان کی زندگی چاہتے ہو تو اس کے سوا کوئی طریقہ نہیں کہ قرآنِ کریم کے سانچے میں ڈھلو
اقبال علیہ الرحمہ

Iqbal day was celebrated on 10/11/23 with a lot of zeal and fervour at RMDC. Students spoke about the concept of Iqbal’s Shaheen besides reciting poems from his works. There was also a calligraphy competition .

Professor Zahid Kamal, Principal RMDC who was the chief guest, further described these concepts of Iqbal in a very captivating manner. He also distributed Allama Iqbal’s books and cash prizes among participants.

The event was concluded with a vote of thanks by VP RMDC.

Newsletter 4/24


Newsletter 3/24


RMDC Vision will be to Keep its medical  graduates adept with emerging global health challenges, educational methodologies and technological advances to maintain its position as a leading medical college of Pakistan.

To Produce Competent Physicians through quality health education, research training and altruism. We prioritize lifelong learning, professional development, social accountability contextually and globally.

UHS is a Ieading University aiming to keep its graduates apt with the ever emerging global health challenges, evolving educational methodologies and emerging technological advancements to maintain its distinguishable position as a Medical University.

UHS shall continue to strive for producing a human resource par at excellence to cater for the health needs of the people of Punjab and Pakistan.

Affiliate Teaching Hospital: Punjab Rangers Teaching Hospital, Lahore
Position Department Req No. Eligibility
Associate Professor Community Medicine 1 As Prescribed by PM&DC
Assistant Professor Physiology 1
SR Psychiatry 1
-do- Neurosurgery 1
-do- Neurology 1
-do- ENT 1
Candidates fulfilling above criteria may submit their JOB APPLICATION along with copy of CNIC, passport size photo and all educational documents/ experience certificates
Latest By: 10th Mar 2025
Pakistan Rangers (Punjab) Foundation (PRPF) Directorate, Zarrar Shaheed Road, Lahore Cantt
Contact No. 042-99220037-38 (Extn 288) Email Careers.prpf@gmail.com
Application / Web Developer A Bachelor’s Degree in the field of Computer Sciences / IT / Software Engineering (Preferred) or a related field from a HEC recognized institution with    3-5 years of experience. OR 1 Skills Required
Network Administrator A Bachelor’s Degree in the field of Computer Sciences, IT or a related field with relevant certifications (preferred) and 3-5 years of experience. OR 1
Candidates fulfilling above criteria may submit their JOB APPLICATION along with copy of CNIC, passport size photo and all educational documents/ experience certificates
Latest By: 28th Mar 2025
Pakistan Rangers (Punjab) Foundation (PRPF) Directorate, Zarrar Shaheed Road, Lahore Cantt
Contact No. 042-99220037-38 (Extn 288) Email Careers.prpf@gmail.com
Rahbar Medical & Dental College - Vacant Seats Detail Year wise
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year
0 0 5 0 0





